The processing of stray dogs into meat seems to be a growing industry in Nigeria, and it is known that some of the dogs slaughtered for this purpose are infected with rabies.
Research has shown that some people infected with rabies seem to have been exposed via dog meat consumptions, and also that people involved in this trade often do not know how to recognize rabies or the risk it poses to human consumers.
Once contracted rabies has the highest fatality rate of any known disease. So a strong emphasis must be placed on presentation via education and inspection of meat production facilities whenever possible.
Ekanem, E., Eyong, K., Philip-Ephraim, E., Eyong, M., Adams, E., & Asindi, A. (2014). Stray dog trade fuelled by dog meat consumption as a risk factor for rabies infection in Calabar, southern Nigeria African Health Sciences, 13 (4) DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v13i4.44
Odeh, L., Umoh, J., & Dzikwi, A. (2013). Assessment of Risk of Possible Exposure to Rabies among Processors and Consumers of Dog Meat in Zaria and Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria Global Journal of Health Science, 6 (1) DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n1p142
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Celebrity Salami Hoax
So BiteLabs website says: "Bitelabs grows meat from celebrity tissue samples and uses it to make artisanal salami."
Is this true? No. It is yet another yuppie idea for a "thought provoking" fake product.
The main thought it provokes in me that that these people are not half as smart as they think they are.
Oh look, see how we are making a comment on celebrity and maybe fooling some proles into thinking its real. LOLs cannibalism is so taboo. In vitro people meat etc.
Is this true? No. It is yet another yuppie idea for a "thought provoking" fake product.
The main thought it provokes in me that that these people are not half as smart as they think they are.
Oh look, see how we are making a comment on celebrity and maybe fooling some proles into thinking its real. LOLs cannibalism is so taboo. In vitro people meat etc.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Men, Woman, and Quiche
Rothberger studued undergraduates and found that assertive defenses of meat eating were more common in males and associated with feelings of masculinity. Specifically more masculine indivduals were were likely to use justifications such as that eating meat is healthy, justified by religion and allowed by animals' lower status. More feminine individuals tends to have strategies of avoidance such as not thinking to much about where meat comes from.
It is interesting to see that part of the masculine strategy that seems out of character is the denial of animal suffering in meat production. This strikes me as more a strategy pf avoidance--assuming lack of suffering rather than really trying to assess the degree of suffering that may or may not occur. This both masculine and feminine strategies can be said to embrace a degree of denial and dissociation for the animal. Overall masculine individuals are more unapologetic meat eaters but also apparently less interested in the welfare aspects of how meat is produced, or as Rothberger phrased it "hostile to animal welfare".
The author goes on to present various pro-vegetarian arguments phrased in a more masculine way (e.g. rational, non-conformist) but they do not look at how being in denial about animal welfare issues--whether one eats meet or not--is not a macho orientation but a weak 'head in the sand' position in contrast to either fixing the problems or changing which food products to support (within or beyond the meat category).
Rothgerber, H. (2013). Real men don’t eat (vegetable) quiche: Masculinity and the justification of meat consumption. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 14 (4), 363-375 DOI: 10.1037/a0030379
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